Friday, June 16, 2017


Wow haven't been on here in a few days. I have been super busy and trying to get work done for a class I'm taking. I have some awesome things to share today!

1. I have worked out everyday for the last 8 days. I don't ever remember a time where that has happened.

2. I have finally figured out how to use my wireless headphones! Now I can jam during my work out.

3. I have started tracking my food again using my fitness pal. In order for me to lose any weight I need to eat less than 890 calories a day. However, now that I have been lifting and gaining some muscle mass I can eat a little more. Now I can have 1,000 calories a day! This is still SUPER hard to do. I have gone over each day by no more than 100 calories. I hate tracking my food. I don't know if it's because I have to face what I'm really eating or that I just hate having to do it. It's most likely both.

4. I finally found a protein powder I like! I found two! However, I don't remember the name of one I bought it in bulk by the pound and didn't take a picture of the bottle. So I have always loved graham crackers. I can't eat them now after surgery. I can't find an alternative that I like. I read on line that there are protein powders that taste like graham crackers. I stopped my Vitamin Shoppe to look around and I found this for 50% off I got it for 14.99! It was such an amazing deal I had to turn the car around to go get my brother some! Syntha-6 not only has awesome tasting bars but their powder is amazing as well! I'm so happy I found one I can not only tolerate but one I love!

Ok that's it I'm tired! Good night world see you tomorrow! It's going to be a great day!

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