Saturday, June 3, 2017

Where's The Beef?

I was reminded tonight of why I hate red meat. (I got a stupid 1/4 of a meatball stuck) So where's the beef? NOT IN MY STOMACH!  I always heard that people after weight loss surgery would have trouble with some foods like beef, rice, bread, and extra dry chicken or turkey. Well the first time I came face to face with the devil.....BEEF was oh about 10 weeks after surgery. We cooked it all day in the crock pot with beef stock. It's supposed to make it nice and tender and easy to eat.....yea sure! Well I took one bite I chewed it well or at least I thought I did. Before I knew it I was in the bathroom trying to choose if I was...... 1. Dying because the pain was so bad. 2. Was I going to throw up? (Nope that shit would not come back up) 3. Was I going to go number 2? So there I sat on the toilet holding the trash can on my lap and crying in pain because of a little piece of beef? Yes STUPID beef! Little did I know this wasn't going to be just a one time event!

I am almost 5 years out and I still have trouble eating any kind of animal protein. I also have a sliding hernia which makes meat even more annoying to eat! Through all of this I have learned many things..... 1. Beef is evil! 2. Fish is amazing! 3. You have to chew your food to death! 4. If you choose to eat the wrong thing or even eat the right thing the wrong way you will pay for it!

I am able to eat more animal protein than I was when my stomach was new. I still have the most trouble with beef and then chicken. My new stomach does a lot of weird stuff now..... however I am way better off with a weird stomach and some odd side effects than I am weighing 303 pounds.

So what I do I think about beef? Well let's just say "Save the cows!" They look better as a living cute cow than a piece of meat that will either be ok to eat or might almost kill me!

Final thought: As I was driving home from a wonderful weekend at my moms I saw those cute brown and white cows. I though hmmmmm I really wish they made chocolate milk like my mom and dad said they did when I was 5!

Thanks for reading!


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