Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Twas The Night Before Surgery

For those of you who I talk to all the time or are friends with me on Facebook already know the awesome news. For those of you that don't here is what happened. After I went for a consult for my excess skin I thought surgery was out of reach. It was crazy expensive! 12,000 something just for my thighs!

I went back to life thinking, oh man I am going to have to wait on this. I was trying to think of different ways to raise money and get this done. I was told the insurance would most likely not pay for it. The doctor took photos and sent a request for surgery approval to my insurance. What was the worst thing they were going to say "NO!" I was ready to hear no!

My husband and I just got back from an awesome vacation in California. After a long morning of teaching crazy third graders I went to lunch. I saw on on my phone I had a voicemail from the hospital. As I listened it was the plastic surgery office. I thought it was just a call telling me I was denied. It was the total flip side. They were calling because I was approved and they wanted me to schedule my surgery!!!! I was freaken shocked! I spent the rest of the day telling everyone I could at work and on the phone. Crying every time of course!

Since that day I have done a lot scheduled my surgery, ask for time off, found a sub, been excited, and I have been worrying a lot! I have had roadblocks recently. I had laryngitis during my pre-op appointments. They said if I don't get better they won't operate on me. I have gotten much better since then. I am not perfect. I am still hoping they will put me under tomorrow. I also had my Long Term sub cancel on me. I am super happy for her though, because she got a real teaching job. So now I'm about to have surgery and I don't have a sub to cover my time off. I have wanted this so bad since I had my Bypass 5 years ago. I will not let these roadblocks stop me.

Tomorrow morning I will go into The Ohio State University Hospital to have my skin removed. I am crazy excited and crazy nervous. I have the best doctor at the hospital doing my surgery! I really hope I can wear pants after this! This time there are a ton of rules this time. There are even fruits I can't eat! Oh well! Its almost time to get some sleep before surgery. Now off to shower with some Medical Grade Soap! Yay!